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Information on what Diabetes is

Discovering more about what Diabetes is and what it causes is essential in today’s world as it is a disease that is rapidly increasing in occurrence. Diabetes is a disorder which affects the way that the body uses food for energy. The sugar in food is digested and broken down into glucose which then circulates in the blood in order to enter cells as a form of energy. Insulin helps to move the glucose into the cells and the levels are balanced in a healthy body. However, what makes diabetes a disorder is the way this balance is not kept as the blood sugar levels become too high.

There are two main types of diabetes known as type 1 and type 2. Type 2 is the most prevalent and can be caused by something as simple as an unhealthy diet. Pregnant women often suffer from gestational diabetes. This usually appears during the second trimester and can disappear after the child is born although in some cases, these women suffer from diabetes for the rest of their lives. Sufferers of diabetes often need to control their intake of sugar while some even need to give themselves insulin injections to help control the balance. Diabetes can lead to further problems if not controlled such as blindness.

What is Pre-Diabetes and Diabetes Type 1 and Type 2

The first thing to know about diabetes is what is type 1 and type 2. These full blown varieties of diabetes are entirely different. What the difference is between these types of diabetes can be broken down to the problems with insulin. Type 1 diabetes sufferers cannot produce insulin at all while those with type 2 diabetes can although their cells do not respond to it. With both types, the blood glucose levels become too high and lead to complications. Type 1 is caused by a genetic disorder while type 2 is often unwittingly self inflicted.

Sometimes patients are informed that they suffer from pre-diabetes and thus wonder what exactly this form of diabetes is. It is basically a warning sign that diabetes could develop in later life. This is essential for those who are prepared to make the changes that will avoid the onslaught of diabetes before it is too late. Diagnosis of pre-diabetes can be the only way to prevent diabetes from developing. The earlier that it is diagnosed, the better chance the patient has of improving their health

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