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Treatment For Diabetes

What is involved in a Diabetes Diet? Maintaining good blood sugar control is one of the cornerstones of treating diabetes. A number of questions may come to the mind of someone who has been recently diagnosed, especially about how to eat right. Fortunately, adhering to a diabetes diet doesn’t have to be challenging, or even hamper an accustomed lifestyle. It will, however, involve making some changes, including a commitment to healthier eating and living. Foods that are good for people with diabetes are healthy and good choices for everyone, so eating for diabetes doesn’t have to mean eating a different meal than the rest of the family. A dietician can provide full information on how to count carbohydrates, proteins and fats for the best results.

Diabetes Diet Carbohydrates Info:

Living with diabetes means having a keen awareness of the carbohydrates you consume. Carbohydrates are ranked on a scale called the glycemic index. The purpose of the glycemic index is to indicate how much of an effect different types of carbohydrate-rich foods have on blood sugar levels. Choosing a lot of high glycemic index foods can wreak havoc on blood sugar, and can also lead to weight gain. For a full discussion on glycemic index, it is best to consult with a doctor or registered dietician; however, some basic, easy-to-apply rules can be added now. For example, choose whole grain foods over processed foods. Whole grain oatmeal will keep blood sugar levels more stable than a cereal made with processed white flour. The same thing goes for foods like whole grain pastas and brown rice. Choosing these over their overly refined counterparts will help keep blood sugar stable.

Diabetes Diet Protein Info:

Protein is a great choice for people with diabetes. Be sure to choose a source of protein that is lean and high quality. Eating snacks that are high in protein or combining a quality protein with a carbohydrate provides a long lasting sensation of fullness, which can help curb overeating. Some great protein choices include:

– Chicken breasts — Fish — Tofu  – Beans – Legumes — Low-fat cheese and other dairy products–

Some delicious protein and carbohydrate snack combinations include a whole grain pita spread with hummus, apple slices with peanut butter, and whole wheat crackers with light string cheese.

Diabetes Diet Fats:

Although fats have gotten a bad rap, they are still an important macronutrient and need to be included in the diet for optimum health. Unfortunately, the typical American diet includes far too much fat and the wrong kind of fat. Stick with unsaturated fats and avoid saturated fats and trans fatty acids. These have no dietary value and will only create problems. Choose fats like olive oil or canola oil and, for a healthy dose of omega-3 fatty acids, choose fish like salmon and tuna.

Diabetes is a condition that can be kept in check with healthy lifestyle changes, especially sticking with healthy foods. By following a doctor or dietician’s advice, medication and insulin shots may never be required.

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